
A Story of Duck Farmer, Driver, Helper and Salesman the owner of Red Bull a Billion Dollar Company

 A Story of Duck Farmer, Driver, Helper and Salesman who discovered Red Bull a Billion Dollar Company today At the time of the introduction of the red bull, the energy drink market was non-existent. Studies have shown that it is not successful. The Red bull is known as a multi-billion dollar empire. The story begins with a duck farmer who discovered that blue collar workers and workers needed a quick boost. On August 17, 1923, Charlie was born in Phuket Thailand. His parents were poor Chinese immigrants who raised ducks and sold fruit to support themselves. Charlie did not study much. So he had helped his parents before moving to Bangkok. He worked in his brother's chemical store, and as a bus driver and pharmacy dealer, he eventually founded his own manufacturing company called TC Pharmaceutical industries and made antibiotics from this experience. He found something that changed his life with a tonic drink full of vitamins and added caffeine. It was popular among truck drivers, f

Red Ribbon No Longer Required to Authenticate Filipino Documents Abroad | How to Get an Apostille

 Red Ribbon No Longer Required to Authenticate Filipino Documents Abroad | How to Get an Apostille An Apostille is a certificate that authenticates the origin of a public document. It is issued by a country that is party to the Apostille Convention to be used in another country which is also a party to the Convention. On 14 May 2019, the Philippines became a party to the Apostille Convention. Authentication is still required for all Philippine documents to be used abroad, but this time with an Apostille instead of an Authentication Certificate (“red ribbon”) as proof of authentication. After authentication (Apostillization) by DFA-OCA, as Competent Authority, there is no more need for authentication (legalization) by the Embassies or Consulates except for non-Apostille countries and those that objected to the Philippine accession. Watch Full Documentary below: